5D Projects


Talking about 5D or five dimensions means that besides space and time we are adding another variable to the modelling strategy which is cost or better said… quantities and cost, so the object is located in a 3D environment an affected by time (4D), but in this case the information related to quantities and cost also available in the model (5D), in any given instant. In summary, 5D modelling is in fact 4D modelling plus quantities and cost, which provide a clear competitive advantage when planning, budgeting and proposals.

So far, the cost of implementing 5D projects has been high and required subcontracting specialized resources to perform the engineering as well as costly software licenses. Itrokom offers a more cost effective and competitive alternative, making it easier to obtain a 5D project, regardless the implemented software platform the company uses to develop 3D models and the project programming tools in which the construction activities and sequences are defined.

3D view model and quantities in Navisworks
Geometric , quantitative and cost information