4D Projects


When we refer to 4D or four dimensions, this means that in addition to the attributes of space, being length, width and depth (3D), also has the attribute of the fourth dimension, TIME. This means, an object is placed in a three dimensional environment but it is also affected by the time variable, also known as virtual time.

In the 1980’s CAD (Computer Aided Design) announced an introduced an important change in the design and construction industry, a change that took designers and engineers away from the traditional sketching and forced them to embrace the PC era. Later came the 3D design revolution that we have seen consolidated in the local engineering companies in the past 20 years. From the linkage between virtual construction and construction sequences or construction priorities the 4D project development concept is coined, which combines the 3D modelling strategy with the project schedule as stated in the BIM philosophy (Building Information Modelling).

One of the main uses of 4D in construction projects is the ability to present simple guides visually intuitive for owners as well as interested people in obtaining a detailed analysis of the construction progress following the project schedule or timeline. This includes graphical animations (videos) in which the work sequence is shown as it is to be completed, all based in complex programing algorithms.

So far, the cost of implementing 4D projects has been high and required subcontracting specialized resources to perform the engineering as well as costly software licenses, Itrokom offers a more cost effective and competitive alternative, making it easier to obtain a 4D project, regardless the implemented software platform the company uses to develop 3D models and the project programming tools in which the construction activities and sequences are defined.

3D view model and quantities on Navisworks
Geometric , quantitative and cost information